Thursday 3 November 2011

Marking Criteria And Analysis Of Candidates Exam

I am aiming for a level 4 in my exam but i need to identify what i need to show in my exam to achieve this.  There is 50 marks and the examiners split it into three elements what have certain maximum mark.

Explanation/Analysis/Argument (16-20)- I must show clear understanding of the question and present a clear answer. A understanding of the technical aspects used in the extract and able to identify them with excellent knowledge. Show strong knowledge of the extracts representations and discuss them in depth. clearly linked to the textual analysis and also i must make sure my answer relates to the question.

Use Of Examples(16-20)- continuous textual analysis from the extract and using different examples of the extract for different explanations not referring to the same one show a wide range of different examples from each technical area. Examples must be relevant to the question.

Use Of Terminology(8-10)- Use of terminology is relevant and accurate

1 comment:

  1. Adam

    Post this on your TV drama blog - not the thriller coursework blog

