Monday 3 October 2011


Composition looks at editing a photograph or camera shot, adding effects and altering the image. I was asked to research the elements of composition

The Rule Of Thirds- Cutting the picture into thirds so their are 9 sections in one image. Makes the picture more appealing and avoids attention in the middle of the shot.

Perspective- The perspective plays an important role in having successful composition because it affects how good and original the shot is. Its from your perspective out of your eyes and what your viewing. This can give effects such as nice angles, showing people a depth and a feeling of 3 dimension in the image also greater idea and volume of space.

Lines And Patterns- Lines add to the perspective of a picture. Lines lead your audience or observers eyes to a specific point in the image, can set up structure. Patterns are everywhere there interesting and draw attention to a shot

Balance- Balance in an image can be achieved by having 2 items of the same size on both side of the picture or an empty space on one side and an item on the other so it can focus on one side but it still balances out.

Simplicity- The picture is simple but effective, not complex not making the viewer work to hard to observe it. An example of making an image use simplicity is removing the background

The Divine Proportion- A structured spiral on an image, can be found in nature. An example is it can be used as a template to check to see if your shot is composed correctly

lead Room- The idea of this effect is to give the viewer space to see where a moving object is going.An example is a american football game, When a player is throwing, we want to see whats ahead (who will catch the ball) not what's behind. So we frame the shot to give him lead room.

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