Thursday 15 December 2011

Alfred Hitchcock

During my research I wanted to use examples of real films and understand how to be a director and producer for a thriller movie. Alfred Hitchcock is a famous example so I found out a bit more about him and his work.

I found him interesting because many famous directors and producers are American but Alfred Hitchcock was British until he moved to Hollywood to develop his career further. He pioneered the use of a camera made to move in a way that mimics a person's gaze, forcing viewers to engage in a form of voyeurism. He framed shots to maximize anxiety, fear, or empathy, and used innovative film editing. His stories frequently feature fugitives on the run from the law alongside "icy blonde" female characters.Many of Hitchcock's films have twist endings and thrilling plots featuring depictions of violence, murder, and crime, although many of the mysteries function as decoys or "MacGruffin" meant only to serve thematic elements in the film and the extremely complex psychological examinations of the characters. 

A vast amount of his films were thrillers so this could influence my film and I like the way he always uses twists in his movies because it makes the film so much more interesting and gripping. I also looked into some of his famous films. 

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