Thursday 15 December 2011

Production Company Logos

In our thriller opening we will have to include our own production company and logo so to get some inspiration and ideas i researched some companies that are famous and used in the media industry

 Universal is a famous production company and as you can see there animation is simple but effective. The image of the world behind the text relates to it being universal and all around the globe. Its dark black background makes the audience focus on the center of screen where they are showing there trade mark.
 Columbia pictures is different and the text comes in later. We know that this is an american production company because the image of the statue of liberty holding the bright light, this creative logo has a lot more color and background.
 Warner brothers (WB) has its logo again bang in the middle of the screen so it catches the audiences attention similar to universal. The text is wrapped around the logo and the gold stands out on top of the blue. Also the background has the blue sky affect with clouds linking with the blue in the logo.
 20th Century Fox Television wants people to know that there films are produced in the 20th century and it is more modern. The text of their title gets smaller as it reaches television at the bottom the biggest is the 20th symbolizing this is the most important to the production company. Again like Warner Bros they have used the sky background and the gold text to stand out but this logo has lights shinning next to it to add that effect and make them look more professional.
Lastly Paramount is another famous production company and they have used the effect of the tip of the mountain to represent their title. I think the reason they used a mountain was because there called para 'mount'. The use of the sky in background again is used to create this cold mountain environment and the white text to tie in with the clouds.

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